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The Gratefulness Challenge

Gratefulness, the art of being sincerely thankful everyday especially when there doesn’t seem to be anything to be grateful for.

Did you know that practising gratefulness can help reduce stress, anxiety and create a greater sense of happiness in one’s life?  It is also thought to help improve your quality of sleep, reduce feelings of resentment and improve our relationships.   Yes, this simple act can bring many benefits!  

So how does something so simple do this?  When we are grateful, we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, what we have received, what we have in our life at a given moment, as well as who and what we are surrounded by.  The smallest of blessings, such as a simple smile from a stranger, can improve the darkest of days and acknowledging it is good for both our physical and mental health.    

The best part of this is that practicing gratefulness can be so easily and seamlessly integrated into our daily routines.   For example you could simply identify three things to be grateful for on the drive to or from work, during your daily exercise routine or even in the shower.   Alternatively, if you would like to make it a more integral part of the day you could take some time before bed to write down three things you are thankful for that day or even send a text message to someone who did you a kindness.   

And on the days that are hard, where nothing goes according to plan or the world gets turned upside down and it is difficult to see what you have, look for what you can be thankful for.   It will help shift your perception.  After all there is always something to be grateful for such as the air you breathe, the plants that create oxygen, the sun that brings us warmth, the moon that shines a light, the stars that guide the way, the food that sustains us, the teachers who have shared their wisdom, the color of the trees or our muscles that continue to move. 

Over the next 21 days, I challenge you to identify three things a day to be thankful for.   Be specific and try to find different elements every day.   You may choose to write them down or to say it out loud.  You may even choose to make a conscious effort to thank the people in your life be it family, friends, a workmate who made your day slightly better.    Regardless of how you choose to practice gratefulness ensure that it is easy for you to incorporate into your day.   If along the way you would like to share any observations as to how your practice is supporting you I’d love to hear from you.

In the meantime, thank you for taking the time to read this blog, thank you for your ongoing support and thank you for joining me in the Gratefulness challenge.

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