After seeing how Reiki has supported the health and wellbeing of her own pets for many years, Pauline has recently specialized in Animal Reiki and Kathleen Prasad’s Let Animals Lead® Method. Much like us, our animals experience stress and anxiety, trauma, physical pain, chronic illness, grief and passing over and like us Reiki can be very supportive for our pets during these times. Some of the ways that Reiki can help our beloved animals is by:
During a session your pet will experience reiki through energy sharing. This may be hands on or by being in a reiki space. The energy sharing will allow them to relax and allow their own innate healing capabilities to be activated. However as each pet is different so too is the way that they respond. Some will lie down and soak it all up, others will yawn or need to wander. Some will have a deep sleep afterwards whilst others will be energised and ready to play. Until you have completed a session you will never know.
When offering animal reiki it is important to recognise the needs of each animal so once you have booked your pet in for a treatment Pauline will contact you to determine the best way to provide the session. This may be in person or via zoom depending upon the circumstances.